Sunday, May 23, 2010

Update and EVERYTHING!!

I know it's been awhile so I decided to update everyone, on whats going on in our lives. First, Rob has been working with the Geology Dept., for a class that is mandatory to take. We are on week 5 as of today and next week will be the last. It has been a long 5 weeks but I (We) are VERY happy it is over!! It sure has been LONG! Other then that he seems to be enjoying himself.
As for me...Im still working for the same company...Woot Woot. Besides work I have been trying to keep myself busy while Rob had been gone. I really haven't done alot of crafting...weird huh?? But I re-arraned my room all by myself!! (This is when I wish I would have taken before and after pictures!! I ALWAYS forget to do that!) We now have ALOT more room then before! I have deep cleaned my house...FINALLY! I haven't really been able to do it recently!

Rob and I went camping a few weeks ago..Never got around to posting pictures...When we went camping we were still in April so not alot of places were open. Rob knew the A.F. Canyon would be open so we decided to go up that way. We drove all the way over there and paid our fee and tried to look around for spots. EVERYTHING was CLOSED! Sooo FINALLY we went back and asked where we could camp. The camp dude said, "Oh you wanted to Camp? O well there's nothing open for awhile" In the mean time Im thinking..."Ya, we just drive around with a bunch of camping stuff in the back of our car!" RETARD! So we got our money back and then drove back down. Rob said we can go to this place 3 hours away.. I SAID NO! So we went to Utah Lake.(Mind you is litterally 4.3 miles away from our house...roughing it HUH?) It was expensive, but worth it FOR ME! I don't do well without electricity!

This is the mountain with the "Y" on it...That's how close we were to HOME!

Cooking some meat in the Dutch oven

Rob Cooking!

This was the car all unpacked

Rob's singed eyelashes!

Our TP on my hair brush!

This was our tent! We had our airmattress that took up 97% of the tent!

Rob-Getting the fire going!

This is all the little things we needed. Salt and pepper, chocolate, starburst, spices ETC.

Before camping my Sister and Brother-in-law came to visit and take pictures at a wedding in AF. So WE got to watch Hanna! This is the neice that doesn't know me very well because we don't live close. So I thought she wouldn't warm up to us or she would cry the whole time! BUT to my suprise that little trooper did AMAZING!! We had a great time. My sister told me she wasn't into the movie scene thing but she LOVED coloring... SOOOO What did we do? WE COLORED!! She colored in almost everyone of my coloring books with one color. It was sooooooo CUTE!! I wish I would taken a video of it!! No such LUCK! But we did take pictures!

I painted Hanna's toes...She could barely sit still! Took me 5 mins to do her toes because they were sooo SMALL!

Just being silly!

Just being cute and Silly!

We also started a garden! I'm following in my mom's crocs! haha get it? SHOES! CROCS! I thought it was FUNNY! Anywho, I haven't planted any veggies yet, only because Utah is THE MOST BIPOLAR STATE IN THE WORLD! I will plant them soon and take pictures as well!! I planted Poppies and Tulips. My poppies are the only thing alive right now...

My almost dead tulip!

My garden gnome!

All of the garden!

As of right now we are still loving eachother more and more EACH DAY! We have been happily married for 2 years on May 3. Unfortuatly Rob was gone for our anniversary so my bestie Courtney took me on a date!! It was alot of FUN! She's been a very good freind while Rob has been gone...And while he is here! good freind all AROUND!! Was VERY blessed to have her as our neighbor!

Rob and I FINALLY got a calling! We are the Cub Masters of our ward! Im VERY excited and so is Rob! We can't wait to start working! Right off the bat we didn't know it would be sooo much work! We already have to take some online classes and we also had to get background checks! I feel like we are renting an apartment or becoming lifegaurds! I know my Grandpa Anderson will be VERY PROUD!! I called my dad and he was VERY excited as well! He had the same calling! He is soooo CUTE!
We finally got our Father's Day cards! Can't wait till he sees his!! I love my dad's! They are both sooo cute!! I LOVE my Dad's!!

As of right now that is our Life!